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Author: Erik CumminsErik Cummins

Jim Cloos Read more Rebuilding Relations between the UK and the EU: A Security Cooperation Pact and Other Ideas for Strengthening the Relationship Date: 28.02.2024
Location: Lecture theatre, City Law School Building, Sebastian Street, Northampton Square, London EC1V OHB (main entrance in Goswell Street)
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Donate Read more Nicholas Kent Read more UK trade policy in an age of change and fragmentation Prosperity, Read more The Future of Retained EU Law Brexit, Read more The UK-EU relationship: the way ahead Date: 17.11.2022
Location: City, University of London
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Security, Enlargement and Structure: the EU’s debate about its future How the EU works, Security, Read more Improving the UK-EU Relationship Brexit, Read more Two years after Brexit: Britain, the EU and Europe Date: 5.05.2022
Location: Online
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The UK and the EU: Two years after Brexit and one year into the Trade & Co-operation Agreement Brexit, Read more Britain’s Foreign & Security Policy After Brexit: The European Dimension Date: 7.02.2022
Location: Online
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Britain’s Foreign & Security Policy after Brexit: the European Dimension Brexit, Security, Read more Post-Brexit Crime And Justice Co-Operation Between The UK And The EU Date: 27.10.2021
Location: Online
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Crime, justice & security co-operation with the EU after Brexit Brexit, Security, Read more Lord Ricketts Read more Sir Julian King Read more British, EU And World Trade Policy In Flux: The Agenda For 2021 Date: 27.04.2021
Location: Online
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British, EU and world trade policy in flux:
The agenda for 2021
Prosperity, Read more
Dame Mariot Leslie Read more The UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement 2020 Brexit, Read more The best laid plans do sometimes go awry Brexit, Read more Switzerland and the European Union Brexit, Read more Brexit: Extending the transition period: Arguments for and against Brexit, Read more Brexit: UK Regulatory Agencies Brexit, Read more The Middle East:
Ten Years’ on from the Arab Spring
Security, Read more
Brexit: The negotiating positions of the UK and the EU Brexit, Read more The UK-EU Negotiations: Fishing Brexit, Read more Britain and the EU: What next? Brexit, Read more The 2019 Party Election Manifestos and the European Union Brexit, Read more The New European Commission 2019-2024 How the EU works, Read more The world economy in 2020:
Heading for a crash?
Prosperity, Read more
The costs and implications of a no deal Brexit Brexit, Read more Brexit:
What is the scope for re-opening the negotiations with the EU?
Brexit, Read more
The New European Parliament 2019-2024 How the EU works, Read more Brexit: Timetable and next steps Brexit, Read more Project Hope:
A policy agenda for Britain in the EU
Brexit, Read more
Senior Appointments to EU Institutions in 2019 How the EU works, Read more Brexit: Where next for Britain and for Europe? Brexit, Read more Brexit: Policy options for the UK Brexit, Read more Free movement of persons within the EU:
An update
How the EU works, Read more
Arguments for and against a referendum on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations Brexit, Read more Parliamentary approval of a
Brexit deal with the EU
Brexit, Read more
The Dismantling of the
Rules-based Global Order
Security, Read more
What does a “no deal” Brexit mean? Brexit, Read more The “Chequers” Proposal:
The Brexit White Paper of July 2018
Brexit, Read more
Free Movement of Persons:
What the EU Rules Permit Now
Brexit, How the EU works, Read more
Timetable for the Brexit Negotiations Brexit, Read more Brexit: UK Border Management Issues Brexit, Read more Reform of the Posting of Workers Directive Employment & Welfare, Read more