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The EU Referendum Bill 2015 Brexit, Read more Capital Markets Union Prosperity, Read more The European Union, Russia and Ukraine Security, Read more EU Energy Union: What can we expect? Prosperity, Read more The Eurozone: Recent Developments Prosperity, Read more Britain & the EU: What the Balance of Competences Review Found Brexit, Read more The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership: An Update Prosperity, Read more The UK and the EU:
Are there Alternatives to EU Membership?
Brexit, Read more
Establishing a Digital Single Market in Europe Prosperity, Read more The Working Time Directive Employment & Welfare, Read more The New European Parliament & European Council Appointments, 2014 How the EU works, Read more The EU & the United States Security, Read more The EU-US Trade Talks: A Transatlantic Partnership in the Making? Prosperity, Read more The Accession of Croatia to the EU How the EU works, Read more The 2014 Round of Appointments in the EU Institutions How the EU works, Read more The Liberalisation of Europe’s Railways Prosperity, Read more Free Movement of People:
Bulgaria and Romania
Employment & Welfare, Read more
A Possible EU Financial Transactions Tax Prosperity, Read more Competitiveness in the European Union Prosperity, Read more The European Commission How the EU works, Read more Banking Union:
Proposals for Banking Regulation
Prosperity, Read more
Bank Recovery & Resolution:
European Commission Proposals
Prosperity, Read more
The EU Council of Ministers How the EU works, Read more