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Tag: European Council

A Reset in EU-UK Relations:
If Not Now, When?
A Personal View from Brussels
Brexit, Read more
An Ambitious Form of UK/EU Cooperation on Foreign, Security and Defence Policy – Why and How Security, Read more Enlargement of the European Union How the EU works, Read more Security, Enlargement and Structure: the EU’s debate about its future How the EU works, Security, Read more Britain’s Foreign & Security Policy after Brexit: the European Dimension Brexit, Security, Read more The UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement 2020 Brexit, Read more Brexit: The negotiating positions of the UK and the EU Brexit, Read more Britain and the EU: What next? Brexit, Read more Brexit:
What is the scope for re-opening the negotiations with the EU?
Brexit, Read more
Brexit: Timetable and next steps Brexit, Read more Project Hope:
A policy agenda for Britain in the EU
Brexit, Read more
Senior Appointments to EU Institutions in 2019 How the EU works, Read more Brexit: Where next for Britain and for Europe? Brexit, Read more What does a “no deal” Brexit mean? Brexit, Read more Timetable for the Brexit Negotiations Brexit, Read more Reform of the Posting of Workers Directive Employment & Welfare, Read more Brexit: The Irish Dimension Brexit, Read more Fisheries: The Transition Agreement and Future Arrangements Brexit, Prosperity, Read more The Role of the Court of Justice of the European Union How the EU works, Read more The Brexit Negotiations:
Steady as she goes or heading for the rocks?
Brexit, Read more
UK Trade Policy after Brexit Brexit, Prosperity, Read more Dispute settlement after Brexit Brexit, Read more Brexit: The EU’s Negotiating Directives Brexit, Read more The UK and the EU Customs Union:
Issues & Questions
Brexit, How the EU works, Prosperity, Read more
Brexit: Issues and Questions Brexit, Read more The EU’s new Global Security Strategy Security, Read more Euro ins and Euro outs:
The UK Renegotiation Agreement
How the EU works, Read more
The EU’s External Trade & Investment Policy Prosperity, Read more The Common Fisheries Policy How the EU works, Prosperity, Read more The Schengen Area How the EU works, Read more Democratic Accountability in the EU How the EU works, Read more The EU and Asylum How the EU works, Read more The Digital Single Market Prosperity, Read more The European Union, Russia and Ukraine Security, Read more EU Energy Union: What can we expect? Prosperity, Read more The Eurozone: Recent Developments Prosperity, Read more The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership: An Update Prosperity, Read more Establishing a Digital Single Market in Europe Prosperity, Read more The Working Time Directive Employment & Welfare, Read more The New European Parliament & European Council Appointments, 2014 How the EU works, Read more The EU & the United States Security, Read more The Accession of Croatia to the EU How the EU works, Read more The 2014 Round of Appointments in the EU Institutions How the EU works, Read more The Liberalisation of Europe’s Railways Prosperity, Read more The European Commission How the EU works, Read more Banking Union:
Proposals for Banking Regulation
Prosperity, Read more
The EU Council of Ministers How the EU works, Read more The European Council How the EU works, Read more The European Parliament How the EU works, Read more Staffing the EU Institutions How the EU works, Read more